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B2B Demand Generation using Video Marketing - Aruba Networks

I came across some polished video skits on You Tube from a tweet by Aruba Networks.

At less than two minutes, these humorous videos parody IT stereotypes, as hapless and busy users are left speechless by the ‘bad guy’ IT staffer’s response to reasonable requests.

Saving the day was the ‘good guy’ helpful attitude, along with the appearance of a plug’n'play wireless widget and a few constructive words on how the CEO can navigate a simple portal sign-on process.

To their credit, Aruba have resisted any temptation to add sales or marketing links in the video’s description field. I think this works well because it’s a simple click on their You Tube user name and up comes other Aruba videos containing product content and demonstrations.

Here’s one (71s) that had me smiling before seeking out their other videos:

The CEO and his iPad — “Hold on, Let Me Check”

- Mark ‘white paper writer’ McClure

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