White Papers

Here’s how to attract more buyers of computer networking solutions with white papers and eliminate two of your biggest marketing headaches

  • Publish business-focused documents aimed at Directors & CIOs (the buyers) and not jargon-filled ‘technical reports’ aimed only at subject matter experts.
  • Design them for an online, ‘short-attention span’ audience.

“Did a great job for us - wrote a nice piece and had great input and ideas for other projects as well.”

Mike Klein, President and Chief Operating Officer, Online Tech

Alas, two marketing headaches can make it difficult to implement this approach.

Marketing Headache #1 - White Papers are Dead

The days when senior managers had uninterrupted time to read and understand several dozen pages of text-only white papers are long gone.


Executives have multiple, never ending demands on their time and attention.
That means you’ve got only seconds to grab eyeballs online and B2b white papers that are too long or boring are not generating leads. They’re going unread and becoming unwanted distractions.

But here’s why it doesn’t have to be that way.

Solution #1: A Simple, Proven White Paper Formula

After studying with two of the world’s most experienced technology copywriters, Jonathan Kantor and Mike Stelzner, I learned three critical facts about white papers optimized for the online world:

  1. Most are between six to twelve content pages in length.
  2. They educate senior managers about technology solutions to the business problems or opportunities that keep them awake at nights i.e. tell, not sell.
  3. The design includes callouts, concept graphics and front cover artwork.

The marketing takeaway?
Make it easier and faster for senior business people to get the most important and useful information from your white papers.
Accomplish that, and you’re more likely to earn their trust and attention when presenting additional educational marketing messages.

“SamuraiWriter is a very good writer with an excellent understanding of the IT world.”

Robert P. Crabb, Chief Marketing Officer, Geeks On Call

Marketing Headache #2: They Shoot Computer Networking Copywriters, Don’t They?

So, where can you find freelance technology copywriters who research and write business-focused white papers?

The type of white papers that buyers of computer networking products and services will actually read and respond to?

Well, that’s where I can be of service.

Solution #2: Coached by Stelzner, Trained by Kantor

My name’s Mark McClure, the ‘Samurai Writer’, and I specialize in writing white papers that help generate leads for computer networking companies.

Each client receives a unique combination of personal service plus business, technical and copywriting skills when they hire the ‘Samurai Writer’:

  • Personally coached by Mike Stelzner, perhaps the best-known white paper copywriter today.
  • Worked in computer networking roles internationally for more than 17 years.
  • Applied Jonathan Kantor’s world-class white paper 2.0 training to serving the computer networking industry niche.
  • I was a Cisco Certified Internetworking Expert (CCIE #10814) for six years. (In marketing-speak, that’s the “IT networking equivalent of the MBA”.)

Next Step

Get a free, no-obligations budgetary quote for your white paper project.
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