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Incredible White Paper Success Secret Revealed Right Here

I’ve got to warn you now - Michael Stelzner’s White Paper Success Summit 2010 is hiding a truly, shocking secret! One so powerful that I just had to risk everything and penetrate the hush-hush underworld of copywriting these white paper gurus reside in and find out more.

White Paper Writers Like You’ve Never Seen Them Before…

Perhaps they’re paid-up members of some secret marketing cult, wear colorful robes at weekends and carry six feet long replicas of ancient writing brushes, as used by Chinese and Korean direct marketing masters?

Ah, if only it was that simple…

Then we could just pick out the ringleaders ‘Need Great Copy? Click Here Now!‘ Bob Bly, ‘That White Paper Guy’ Gordon Graham and ‘The White Paper Craft Master’ Jonathan Kantor using my concealed camera shot above. They’d surely sing like canaries to avoid public embarrassment!

Not to mention those two organizational masterminds behind this ingenious initiative - Michael the ‘Whitepaper Grandfather’ Stelzner and Joe ‘Content Conjuror’ Pulizzi.

Time To Unveil The White Paper Marketer’s Digital Curtain

So, if their secret’s not some kind of Confucian copywriter’s reenactment convention, then what exactly is it?

Well, there are actually two ‘secrets’:

  1. Take Action
  2. Follow A Proven Plan

After signing up and getting access to what lay behind the digital curtain I discovered there’s more than enough content in the bonus section alone to start and run a profitable white paper copywriting business.

And most of this material appears to be from last year’s conference and therefore still has great value.

However, value alone is meaningless if the material is not put into action and this is where Michael Stelnzer’s consultancy session (as part of the main prize) becomes a true success catalyst.

Simply put - an opportunity to spend one hour discussing with Michael how to put even a fraction of this knowledge and experience to work in my emerging tech copywriting business is worth a heck of a lot - in money saved, and in needless sweat and tears averted.

Benefiting From Condensed Success

Secret #2 comes down to the sometimes trite phrase, ‘no need to reinvent the wheel.”

In this case, it’s spot on. Just going through the invited speakers websites and learning about their backgrounds and achievements reinforces the lesson.

As a group, these teachers of whitepaper writing and marketing have probably spent many tens of thousands of dollars on courses, books and mentoring. Plus they’ve been ‘practicing’ for decades and also amassed countless tips, war stories and success breakthroughs.

To pass all that up for the sake of a few hundred bucks is almost a marketing mortal sin! Considering how long it would take to accumulate a fraction of the same when starting from scratch, the practical response is to put on the beginner’s ‘white belt’ and get out there on the learning mat.

Which is exactly what I’ve signed up to do.

The way I look at opportunities like this is if I can get just one actionable item from each session, then I’ve got more than my money’s worth. (All of the other great ideas can go on the ‘someday/maybe’ list for now.)

And the fact that this summit is held online over a period of weeks and also has all of the sessions available as mp3 downloads (including transcripts) means I have no excuses for not accessing and consuming the information. Bring it on!

I’d Like to Invite My Client Too!

If I was fortunate enough to win the grand prize then I’d like to give the second ticket to one of my previous technical ghostwriting clients. The good folks at OnLine Tech (Michigan’s largest network of managed data centers) are proficient online marketers of their business and would definitely benefit from an opportunity to learn from some of the leading white paper copywriters and marketers.

Well, there you have it! I hope Mike and his assembled team will forgive me for the creative license I took with their taglines earlier in this post. I’ve got the greatest respect for them and look forward to learning as much as I can at February’s summit.

- Mark McClure

PS - For readers wondering if I’ve ‘lost the plot’ - fear not! There’s a wee competition going on and this post is my entry :-)

For more info please see this post:
‘Win Tickets To White Paper Success Summit 2010′

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Author: Mark McClure - A freelance b2b case study and white paper writer to the computer networking industry. Based in Tokyo, Japan. Mark McClure Google + Profile About Mark